Can You Use Human Socks on Dogs

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  1. the melster

    the melster PetForums Senior

    Mar 20, 2010
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    Bo ran into some barbed wire on Tuesday. She never yelped or stopped running but just carried on playing so presumed she hadn't cut herself. Played like a loon at the river yesterday. Today after agility last night she has a nasty cut which is becoming infected. Been to the vets and they said either put a sock or a boot on.

    Here lies the problem .. Bo holds out her foot and puppy pulls the sock off.

    Don't want to put anything too tight on in case it stops the blood but have tried a very wide loosish elastic band, medical tape, masking tape, insulating tape loose, insulating tape tight. Am just looking for the nails :D so has anybody got any ideas?

  2. I had exactly the same problem thanks to a ramble in the brambles and couldn't get anything to stick for more than a few minutes. My dog had several cuts on the inside of his legs, chest and belly. Although they were healing up OK he was licking them to the point of licking the fur off. In the end I was advised to just use Sudecreme on it, it is antiseptic and a very good deterrent against licking.
  3. the melster

    the melster PetForums Senior

    Mar 20, 2010
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    Thanks for that .. I have some in the bathroom cupboard. I will give it a go.

    .. hope puppy doesn't like Sudocrem :eek:

  4. Twiggy

    Jun 24, 2010
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    I always use the strong fabric tape that comes on a roll just under the top of the sock, wrapped round several times and bound fairly tightly.
  5. Is there any reason in particular it needs to be covered up, and whereabouts is the cut?

    Rupert sliced a chunk off his pad somehow a month or so ago. No idea how I just saw bloody footprints all over the kitchen and thought one of the dogs might have lost a claw...

    I had to clean it with hibiscrub and keep him off mud as much as poss, but he could have normal walks etc just be careful and check its clean regularly. I put a sock on him at first on our way to the vets thinking it'd help but he has skinny legs and it wouldn't stay up..!

    ETA: I prefer to keep cuts out on the open to heal up if at all possible, feel that covering slows them down (unless its in contact with the ground or something on a regular basis hence to keep dirt out, but I'd want it open the rest of the time). This is why I try to keep a couple buster collars to hand with Rupert always in the wars :D

  6. archiesmum

    Aug 28, 2010
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    I put a bandage at the top and Archie had to stay in the cage as the other two dogs took the sock off.

    Val xx

  7. Kinjilabs

    Apr 15, 2009
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    I used masking tape on my Lab Floss, who had to wear socks most of her life, it did work just had to change it quite often.

    Shes the one with the socks on right of the pic.

  8. cinnamontoast

    cinnamontoast Sois pas chiant, chéri.

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Gawd, I feel your pain! Bear wore a sock over the bandage this week and it was a ruddy trauma! I used 'Cloth tape', like duct tape, huge roll from Asda. He was vetwrapped then reduced to a sock, flipping pain!

    I variously caged him, then his brother, who was of course pulling it off for him. I'm going to buy baby/kid socks to help, as the husband's old size 13 socks were crap, frankly!:D

    I would be tempted to do as GS says-buster collar and leave it open to air out/dry and heal.

  9. the melster

    the melster PetForums Senior

    Mar 20, 2010
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    Thanks for the replies. Am going to keep her at home tomorrow and put the collar on her whilst the pup is out.

    The cut is on the front of her knee and is quite deep. The vet said if it had been a fresh wound they would have stitched it but now they would have to cut the edges away and the stitches probably wouldn't hold because she is bending her knee all the time. The problem is that she is licking it all the time.

    I tried the Sudocrem but she just licked it off and seemed to quite like it :confused1:

  10. the melster

    the melster PetForums Senior

    Mar 20, 2010
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    Thanks for that .. I think this is going to be the only option. I've tried buying one and they were really expensive .. £30 and am not sure they were long enough. Have bought some Liverine Unction to put on the wound but she is still licking so will have a go tomorrow.:thumbup:

Can You Use Human Socks on Dogs


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